Sharp Ends Series/ Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 /


Friday again! Here’s the link to the origin of this prompt, here. I’ve managed to find a way to put this prompt in with the series, quite easily actually. We need more difficult prompts Madison! Anyway, links to the previous and future parts are above, enjoy and remember, constructive critisism is welcome!

The barbed wire had withered but not broken from her sawing, she’d resorted to twisting the flexible material instead. He barely looked at her and when he did, a mixture of emotions from melancholy to anger danced across his facial features. Droplets of rain from the previous night dribbled off her hair languorously. In it’s wake the rain had left a stream of colours which arched across the sky like the curve an arrow travels.

He was impatient, it showed from him constantly humming a tune and pacing around her, his demeanor from the night had almost vanished. She was about to begin haggling him when the wire’s suddenly slackened and fell away. She leaped at the oppurtunity and abrupt, well-worked freedom by darting up behind him. As she moved to grab him in a head lock a siren wailed into life and she stopped dead in her tracks.